It feels like its been forever since we've talked.
How have you all been? Did you miss me? I thought of you all often... as in "oh my - this will be so funny to put on my blog" or "isn't that sunset fantastic? my readers will love it!".
And...then I never had time to write.... sad face...
I'd love to tell you things have calmed down in my world. But ---that would be a lie. And I made a promise to never lie to you.
So, its still la vida loca for me. But - I have managed to get some things off my to-do list, and we just got back from a super fun vacation, so now it's head down and power through what's left.
What is left?
Oh man -- let me get my list.
First - Easter Sunday. Still have to dye eggs. Still have to pick up that quiche. Dammit -- still have to get Easter basket stuff!!
Then - Staff Appreciation week. Still have to present the budget to PTSA board. But --the menu is settled as of today, and the ball is rolling. Quickly downhill, and I feel like I'm at the bottom, but it's rolling. I'm actually really excited to let you know how I pull this one off.
Oh, and my birthday!!! Yay me!!! Can't decide between dinner with friends at a Burlesque review or a night of gambling at the Casino. What would you do? I'm exhausted just thinking about it. So, let's not think about all that right now. :)
As of my last post, you knew I was getting my new camera. Well, let me tell you. I am in LOVE. Love, love, love... This camera is freaking awesome. Here are some of my favorite pics so far:
BTW - that picture of the sandwich...that's a Grilled Cheese with Bacon Jam. From a place in Seattle called The Skillet. If you are ever in the Emerald City, you HAVE to stop here and eat. Have. To.
So... in love with the Camera. We covered that. Been playing with it for two weeks now. I've learned so much - how to shoot in RAW. How to use Aperture Priority. Buy a lens filter. Don't drop it. (just threw that in to see if you were still reading.)
I also had another birthday party. This one was a pirate theme. So, of course..I had to make cupcakes. And a pirate ship.

unfortunately, a shoe box wouldn't fit the number of cupcakes needed. So I had to adjust a bit and added my own flair. I thought it turned out pretty darn good. If you want a step by step, let me know and I can create a tutorial.
The cupcakes came from Anne Strawberry's blog, here:
I give credit where it's due...God knows I'm not clever enough to come up with this stuff on my own!!!
So, that brings us about current. I promise - it won't be two weeks before another post. After all - Easter's coming!!!
Beautiful photos and I love your writing.
Gorgeous pics. May this Easter fill your heart with happiness
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