Thursday, March 1, 2012

Happy March 1st!

Ah...Spring is in the air...

Somewhere.   Definitely not where I live.  It's been trying to snow for the last three days.

Seriously?   It's freakin' March 1st!  I hate global warming...

Well, time to put my happy pants on, because...

In TWENTY days:  it's the first day of Spring

In SIXTEEN days:  it's the first home game of the 2012 Season - Go Sounders!!  Oh, and also St. Patrick's Day

In SEVEN days:  I get to sneak away to the San Juan Islands with my family - sort of a precursor to our Spring Break trip.

That's just what I have planned for March!!! Wait until April, because that's my birthday month.  And we all know how much I love birthdays!!!

Given that I've over-planned my social life (shocker) for March already, I should start planning my crafting time as well... 

I know I'll be making these:

But I think I also want to make these:

How to:

I am having the damndest time finding the right candlesticks. Who knew they'd be so hard to find - or less than $25 apiece!   

With Easter coming, I'm looking for inspiration.  What will you all be crafting over the next few weeks??


Whispering Thoughts said...

Those candle stands jars are marvelous. I liked the idea very much. I came across your blog through Catherine's blog and I think I am going to enjoy your posts.
Warmest regards,

Unknown said...

Hello, Ruby, and Welcome!! Thanks for stopping by. Aren't those candle stands fantastic??? I am keeping my eyes open for the perfect ones, but I have a pair on which I'm practicing. Judging by this pair, it's a good thing, too!!!